PFI : CAP x Posbloc Siggenthal Pastoral Raum
PFI series 1, Poscards From Indonesia’ shows Magnificient Indonesia in postcards, and show for the 1st time at Sigenthal Pastoral Raum, Switzerland at 10th march 2023.
Jakarta, Indonesia
Connected Art Platform (CAP) presents Digital Art Shuffle Show Hello Riso consisting of artworks from national and international artists.
Jakarta, Indonesia
Connected Art Platform (CAP) presents art exhibition featuring Monica Hapsari, Dwi Putro and Nawa Tunggal. Curated by Mona Liem.
Media Art Globale Festival
Jakarta, Indonesia
The festival will focus on showcasing cutting-edge media artworks. We aim to source exhibitors and participants from within the media art industry whose works are interesting in reality and not limited to concepts on paper.​
REINSTATE Jakarta - CAP x Distant Gallery
‘Reinstate’ shows Indonesia in a new light, bringing local Indonesian artists to a global forefront.
MAG20_Quantum Land
Jakarta, Indonesia
Media Art Globale (MAG) is an art, technology and science themed festival showcasing cutting edge works held every two years. MAG is having the idea of “marking the era” by holding its 2020 exhibition virtually. The event is titled “Quantum Land” and the five realms.
MAG19 - Ars Electronica
Linz, Austria
Its an honour of Media Art Globale Festival to invited by Ars Electronica to participated in 40th years Ars Electronica at Linz, Austria.
MAG - Spicetopia
Linz, Austria
MAG (Media Art Globale) Festival 2022 showcases "Between humans, earth and technology"
Ars Electronica_Prisma Garden Indonesia
Prisma Garden showcases 5 distinct Indonesian artists whose works depict their restlessness and hope on the current situation and sets the expectation that spectators will apply their empirical experience and understanding gained from the artworks.
Wave Of Tomorrow
Jakarta, Indonesia
Connected Art Platform (CAP) is an art eco-system that gives established and emerging Indonesian artists, designers, IT, innovator, researchers, academics, and other cultural producers the opportunity to reach European audience, and likewise for European artists and collectors to challenge themselves in Asia's market.
CAP provides a space where connections are made and knowledge is shared. CAP is built on a vision of using art, creativity, technology, science and education to open up possibilities for every individual to grow globally